Company and Commercial Contract Drafting

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5.550 kr.
Medlem af Danske Advokater
4.550 kr.
Priser er ekskl. moms
23. september 2025 09.00 - 17.00
Danske Advokater, Valencia Vesterbrogade 32 1620 København V
Get professional guidance on drafting contracts in English.
This course will offer you guidance on drafting contracts in English and on general issues, like differences between the common law and Danish systems of contract law and the implications for contract-drafting.
Key take-aways:
useful tips on contract-drafting in English and risks to be avoided
the differences between the common law and Danish systems of contract law
the implications for contract-drafting.

You get an introduction to both the general legal issues and if time permitting also key clauses from specific contract.

The course covers:

  • Differences between Danish and common law contract systems and their implications
  • Drafting techniques.Economy of language and avoiding “legalese”
  • Representations and warranties, conditions, indemnities and guarantees.
  • Restrictive covenants
  • Limiting and excluding liability; caps
  • Direct and indirect damages
  • Drafting termination clauses
  • Liquidated damages clauses and penalties
  • Boiler plate provisions e.g. force majeure clauses, whole agreement clauses, severance clauses
  • Dispute resolution.

The course materials include notes, contract-drafting exercises, a bank of sample contract clauses, a glossary of English contract law terminology, a summary of differences between English and Danish contract law and useful websites and addresses.

Kurset holdes i samarbejde med Djøfs Kurser og Uddannelser.


David Fletcher
David Fletcher har en solid og bred erfaring med at skrive virksomhedskontrakter og i det hele taget kontraktskrivning i forhold til kommercielle anliggender. David har i mere end 15 år undervist danske advokater i kontraktskrivning. David arbejder til dagligt i London, hvor han er tilknyttet immigrations-advokaterne.
Advokater, virksomhedsjurister og andre, som regelmæssigt arbejder med aftaler på engelsk.
Carina Noer Larsen
Kurser og uddannelser for advokater og administrative medarbejdere.

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